Our Aim
We aim to be Australia’s most visible investment company in the world; to invest in and build a portfolio of sustainable investments, driven by established goals to create shareholder value, mindful of its social, economic and environmental responsibilities, as it remains to be committed to integrity, honesty, transparency, and fairness in all dealings with its stakeholders.
To become a preferred strategic partner of choice for investors, financiers, and other stakeholders seeking long-term investment in Australia.
To achieve this goal, our tailored business support services and investment portfolio must attract and retain many of the leading local and regional businesses across industries, and our performance and delivery must embody the characteristics of quality, attention to detail and generating positive and consistent stakeholder returns.
Also, we can achieve it by partnering and working together, with shared values that underpin our ethical approach and define the way we do business.
With our comprehensive, multi-dimensional view of Australia’s and regional business potential, new ventures in various sectors are omnipresent. HLG Australia is strategically and technically equipped to identify and execute viable investment strategies to build a diversified and dynamic portfolio.

We invest, manage, and grow our holdings with a unique focus of providing the tools and resources they need to build lasting capabilities and competitive advantage. We focus on Australia and selected emerging markets.
We focus primarily on the Australian market and seek opportunities in selected emerging markets.
A mission on its own is not enough. At HLG Australia, we are committed to a set of core values that not only define who we are but also serve as guideposts to help us become the company we would like to be. And we aspire to live these values every day.
Do the right thing: We’re open and ethical in all dealings
Go above and beyond: We are committed to exceeding expectations
Drive change: We pursue a creative approach in everything we do
Do it better: We set the bar higher every time
Believe in each other: When we work together, anything is possible
Corporate Citizenship: We are committed to improving the lives of people in the communities where we operate with a focus on environmental stewardship and activities to benefit the society in general. We volunteer and financially support education and other worthy causes.
Business Imperative: Deliver Superior Value to Customers, Employees, Shareholders, Communities and Partners
HLG Australia Expected Behaviors
- Lead with courage and passion
- Make customer priorities our own
- Invest in our team and empower each other
- Win with speed, agility, and scale
- Collaborate with openness and honesty
- Reach higher, embrace change and learn from stepbacks
- Deliver results with excellence – Live the Enduring Values
Guiding Business Principles
Integrity and honesty are at the heart of our business
We believe in profit with honor and uphold good governance and the highest moral and ethical standards. Also, we expect our people and partners to maintain high ethical standards in everything they do, both in their work for the company and their personal lives.
Passion for success
As we strive for excellence, we remain proactive and entrepreneurial and pursue our projects with a sense of urgency and total dedication to sustainable results.
Explore new opportunities
We proactively explore new opportunities, living our values with transparency and consistency. We honor the trust placed in us by the clients we serve, investors, partners, service providers, and staff, endeavoring to manage all our resources transparently, reflecting our mission. We aim to do what is right and doing what we say we will do.
Business Imperative
Deliver superior returns to our shareholders
Our clients’ interests always come first.
Our experience shows that if we serve our clients well, our success will follow.
Preserve out asset
Our assets are our people, capital, and reputation. If any of these is ever diminished, the last is the most difficult to restore. We are dedicated to complying fully with the letter and spirit of the laws, rules, and ethical principles that govern us. Our success depends upon unswerving adherence to this standard.
Our strive for value creating and profitability
Profitability is critical to achieving superior, long-term returns to our shareholders.
We take great pride in the professional quality and outcome of our work. We have an uncompromising determination to achieve excellence in everything we undertake. Though we may be involved in a wide variety and heavy volume of activity, we would, if it came to a choice, rather be best than biggest.
We drive changes
We stress creativity and imagination in everything we do. While recognizing that the old way may still produce results, we continuously strive to find a better solution to challenging problems.
We work with the best
We make an unusual effort to identify and work the very best professionals and companies. Although our activities are measured in millions of dollars, we select our people and partners one by one. In a service and investment business, we know that without the best people and partnerships, we cannot be the best company.
Diversity and Inclusion
For us to be successful, our people must reflect the diversity of the communities and cultures in which we operate. That means we must attract, retain, and motivate people from many backgrounds and perspectives. We believe in the future where everyone feels included, no matter where they work or live, and diversity is embraced because we believe a future of inclusion is a better future for all. Being diverse is, therefore, not optional; it is what we must be.
We’re lean, agile and flexible
We consider our size an asset that we try hard to preserve. We want to be big enough to undertake the largest project that any of our clients could contemplate, yet small enough to maintain the loyalty, the intimacy, and the esprit de corps that we all treasure and that contribute significantly to our success.
W’re proactive and pursue a creative approach
We continuously strive to anticipate the rapidly changing needs of our clients and to develop new services to meet those needs. We know that the world of investing will not stand still and that complacency can lead to catastrophic results and extinction.
Trust & Respect
We act with integrity, consistency, and honesty in all that we do. We value a culture of openness and inclusion in which everyone is treated fairly and where everyone has an opportunity to contribute.
Stakeholder Success
By operating profitably and with integrity, we provide customers with best-value innovation and a competitive edge in their markets; enable employees to work in a safe, ethical environment, with a highly attractive and competitive mix of pay and benefits, and the ability to further share in the company’s success; reward investors with increasing shareholder value; conduct business lawfully and ethically with our suppliers, and help to strengthen communities in Australia and abroad.
Security, Safety & Wellbeing
We value human life and well-being above all else and take action accordingly. We are personally accountable for our safety and collectively responsible for the safety of our teammates and workplaces, our products and services, and the customers who depend on them.
Confidentiality and Discretion
We protect the confidentiality of information to which we have access in conducting our business, in accordance with applicable laws and contractual agreements. This information includes but is not limited to products, transactions, business and investment matters, confidential personnel information as well as other information concerning our clients, partners, investors and shareholders.
Fairness and Competitiveness
Our business is highly competitive, and we aggressively seek to expand our client relationships and results. We’re fair competitors and never denigrate other companies or institutions.